Easley Church




The Gospel Messenger Dec. 20, 1913 page 815 Vol. 62 No. 51


Nov. 1 Bro. Zigler began a series of meetings at Bro. J. J. Shockey's home, using his tenant house as a temporary church. He preached eight nights until Nov. 8, on which date we held our love feast. Ten members were permitted to enjoy the feast. Bro. Zigler delivered seven inspiring sermons, and emphasized the importance of taking God at his Word. The attendance was fairly good. Nov. 19 Bro. A. E. Nead and Bro. Clark, of Limestone, Tenn., came to us on their way to Fruitdale, Ala., and preached each evening until the 27th, at which time we held our Thanksgiving services at Bro. Zigler's home. Bro. Clark delivered the Thanksgiving address. After services, an offering of $20.25 was taken, which, we decided, should go towards the support of the southern mission field. The same evening we held a love feast at Bro. Zigler's place. Twenty members surrounded the Lord's tables. This was the first love feast held in that community. The people showed respect and gave good attention. Brethren Nead and Clark will start for Fruitdale Dec. 1, to conduct some meetings there.

   Dec. 25 we all met at Bro. Zigler's, in church council, to organize our members into a church. We decided to name our congregation the " Oneonta Church." The officers elected were Bro. Harry Hoover, secretary; Sister Mary J. Petrie, treasurer; the writer, church correspondent. Bro. Zigler was ordained elder on the above date, and Bro. Harry Hoover was chosen deacon. Bro. Nead having tendered his resignation as our elder in charge, we chose Bro. Zigler as our overseer. We feel grateful to our brethren, A. E. Nead and Clark, for what they have done for us while here, and pray God's blessings upon them wherever they go. Our field is large. Who will come and help to work it? J, M. Petrie. Oneonta, Ala., Nov. 29.