Springdale Church




The Gospel Messenger Dec. 24, 1898 page 815 Vol. 36 No. 51

Round Mountain.—Nov. 25 Eld. Win. Harvey came to us and preached for us the same evening. Next day we had church council in which the propriety of dividing the congregation was considered. The members near Rogers (twenty-five miles from here) wished to be organized into a separate body. Their request was granted. We also decided to hold a Communion Nov. 27. Bro. Harvey preached for us at 11 A. M. The Communion services in the evening passed off pleasantly. We had good order,—much better than usual. On Monday night Bro. Harvey again preached for us. Next day Bro. Harvey and family, and I, left for Rogers. We stopped at Bro. Levi Hershey's and had meeting in a schoolhouse near by that evening. Nov. 30 we had church council at 2 P. M., at Bro. Samuel Bussard's. A little band was organized here, with fifteen members, three deacons and one minister. This will be known as the Rogers congregation. They need more ministerial help. They have a nice country, excellent for fruit, good water, and one close to market and railroad. Further information will be given by W. W. Reynolds or Samuel Bussard, Rogers, Ark. Bro. Harvey left for home on the evening after the council. The writer stayed and held an evening meeting. Next day, Dec. 1, I returned home. —Samuel Weimer, Wyman, Ark., Dec. 3.