Chaperrall Church



Brethren at Work April 3, 1879 page 7 Vol. IV No. 14

From the California Church

 Dear Brethren: -

  Elder George Wolfe and I just returned from Calaveras county, where we held a few meetings. Five dear ones (among them four Campbellites) came out on the Lord’s side, agreeing to take the New Testament – nothing more, nothing less – as their rule of faith and practice. Their baptism was witnessed by a large concourse of people, who had never seen baptism administered as instituted by the Lord Jesus. The attention was good, both at baptism and at the Love-feast which was held in the evening. Before we left, a church was organized, the church was named the “Chaparral Church of the Brethren,” consisting of ten members. There is a good prospect of building up a large church there.

Yours in Love, 

Waldemar Meyers. March 13, 1879