Mountain View Church

(1907 - 1922)


The Gospel Messenger Feb. 1, 1908 page 76,

Mountain View. – Elders Shamberger and Jordan of Nanton, came to us and organized our little band of thirteen members into a church. Eld. Shamberger was chosen as elder in charge, until such time as Bro. John Bare, our resident minister, could be ordained, he being unanimously chosen by the members. An election was held for a minister, resulting in the choice of Brethren J. L. Weddle and Walter Younger, both of Cowley, Alberta, Canada. Brethren John A. Bare and N. E. Weddle were elected to the deacon’s office. Bro. T. C. Bare was elected church treasurer and writer church clerk and Messenger correspondent. All of these officers were duly installed on Sunday, following which Bro. Shamberger preached an excellent sermon.  Lydia Younger, Cowley, Alberta, Canada, Jan. 11