Fredericksburg Church

(Spring Creek)

 Hillcrest (CB/ABC),



Brethren at Work March 16, 1880 page 8 Vol. V No. 11

Spring Creek.

  We take this method of informing the Brotherhood of the organization of a church of the Brethren in Chickasaw Co., Iowa. Name Spring Creek.  The members met on the 21st of February and we organized according to the custom of the Brotherhood. After the order of the church was laid before the members, and a hearty consent given by all to live up to the rules of the general Brotherhood, and election was held for two deacons. The lot fell on brother Levi Miller and Samuel Pratt. The Elders present were Joseph Ogg of Minnesota, and John P. Eikenberry of Butler Co., Iowa. Twenty-two members when organized, and one added since by baptism. Love and union prevails among all the members.  Brethren and sisters, remember out infant church in your prayers.   M. H. Flowler.