Oak Grove Church

(1897 - 1911)


The Gospel Messenger Sept. 11, 1897 page 583


 Grayson. – Bro. S. A. Honberger, of Roanoke, La., come to this place Aug. 5, to hold a series of meetings, and preached fifteen soul-cheering sermons.  We were made to rejoice when three precious souls united with the church by baptism.  We also held a council-meeting.  we organized church at this place, and held a election fro a deacon.  The lot fell on Bro. Isaac P. Wimer.  We held our love feast on Sunday night, at which time tem members surrounded the Lord’s table.  We had a good meeting. All Brethren passing this way are cordially invited to look at the country and locate among us.  They will have a church home.  There is plenty of cheap land for sale, and some homestead land still remains to be taken. – Abel M. Wimer, Aug. 24.