Lebanon Church



The Gospel Messenger Dec. 16, 1884 p 771-772 Vol. 22 No. 49

From Nevada, Mo.

  I Boarded the train at Nevada, Oct. 24th, en route to Jasper Co., to attend the love-feast to be held at the home of brother Holderman on the 25th of October.  The order and attention was good, but on crowd of spectators was small.  There was one added by baptism. Ministers present were J. S. Mohler, of Henry Co.; J. C. Mays, of Cedar Co.; J. T. Mason, and others of Newton, and John Nehr, of Kan. These brethren spoke as they were moved by spirit of god to the encouraging of the saints, as well as the warning of the sinners. The meeting closed at noon, and we took the train and arrived home the same evening.

  At the above meeting the writer was solicited to accompany brother Holderman to Laclede Co., Mo., on mission work. We took the train at Nevada on the 3d of Nov., en route of Laclede Co.  At Carthage we were met by elder C. Holderman, and we together boarded the train for Lebanon, arriving about midnight.  Next morning we were met by the brethren and conveyed to our field of labor, some eight miles north of Lebanon. The object of our mission was to organized the church there; hence we met the members in council on the 5th, and found them in love and willing that an organization should be effected, which was done.  Brother Samuel Karch was called to the ministry, and brother William Fansler was enlaced deacon. Those brethren were then installed into their offices in the regular order, and as some of the members had not the privilege of attending to hold one during our stay with them.  We preached night and day until the 8th, the time of the feast, when we met at 2 o’clock for public preaching.  In the evening a little band of brethren and sisters communed.  It was the first meeting of the kind ever held by the brethren in the communion.  There was a fair number of spectators present, and a more attentive and orderly people it has not been our lot to meet with, not only the night of the feast, but during our meetings. It could be seen that the people were beholding things they were not used to seeing, and we felt that our labors were not in vain. Two precious souls were added to the number baptism.  The members were greatly encouraged, and seed was sown that may be gathered not many days hence.

  It was also our privilege to meet brother Derick, of Polk county, at these meetings, as so far as known, he is the only brother in Polk county. in looking at the vast mission field, of South-western Missouri, I am made to say, “Truly the harvest is great, but the laborers are few.” We continued our meetings until the 11th.  The outlook for doing good in Laclede county, is, we think, good.  If the work commenced is followed up, I will yet say, that the brethren in Laclede county desire an interest in the prayers of the brethren, and would be glad if some would locate there, and help build up the cause of the Lord.  If there are any brethren wishing any information in regarded to the county, they can obtain it by addressing S. Harch,
Sleeper, Mo., or W,. Fansler, Lebanon, Mo.

D. D. Wine