Shelton Church



The Gospel Messenger June 9, 1917 page 364 Vol. 66 No. 23

Sheltontown. -  Under the direction of the District Meeting of the Southern District of Virginia, Eld. A. N. Hylton, of Floyd, Va., and the writer, were appointed to go to the above-name place and to organize them into a separate church. – Sheltontown formerly being a part of the St. Paul congregation. In Grayson County, Va.  on the evening of May 19 we met at the Sheltontown house, which is a very good house for a country church. Eld. A. J. Weddle, of Floyd County, also met with us, and the organization was as follows: There being no elder or minister in their number, the writer was chosen as elder in charge; though Eld. J. F. Robertson, of Winston-Salem is doing most of their preaching for this years. Rolin Kirkman and Ashby Hiatt were elected deacons and duly installed into the office, making then three deacons in all.  On Saturday night Brethren Hylton and Weddle gave us a good sermon on ”First Seeking the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.”  They were called to St. Paul for a funeral service on Sunday, so the meetings were left for us to continue Sunday and Sunday night. The attendance and interest seemed to grow Sunday and Sunday night.  The prospect seem to be good to build up a good congregation at this place. We ask the prayers of the brethren for their success and steadfastness. – H. J. Woodie, Winston-Salem, N. C., May 28.