Oak Grove Church



The Gospel Messenger May 28, 1895 page 350

“Another Organization”

  April 26 Eld. J. Appleman and Eld. A. W. Austin, came to the small band of members, living southeast of Chandler, Okla, preaching for us the same evening.  One applicant presented himself for baptism.  April 29 the applicant was buried with Christ in baptism, after which we met at the appointed place for church council.  At this meeting were duly organized into a body, with a full corps of officers.

  We have a membership of six-teen, - twelve by letter, and four by baptism.  Among the number were two deacons, - Bro. I. F. Bates and the writer. A choice having been held for a minister, the lot fell on Bro. I. F. Betts.  The wrier was chosen as corresponding secretary. Bro. A. W. Austin is to be our elder. The church decided to have appointments at this place on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.  Our elder is to present at one appointment each month. The organization being effected and a supper having been prepared, the little band, with some of our dear brethren and sister from an adjoining congregation, surrounded the table of the Lord, and engaged in the ordinances of God’s house.  Those were indeed a feast to the soul. Our meetings continued until the evening of May 2.  We had preaching at different appointments.  Bro. Appleman preached one evening to the colored people.  This was a soul-cheering sermon indeed, - one which they seemed to appreciate very much. One more applicant for baptism is to be baptized in the near future.  Any of our brethren who are not permanently located (especially ministering brethren) and who would like a home in a good country, should come this way and see us.   A. K. Waltman,  Lilly, Okla, May 6.


Note - This church was sometimes called Stroud Church.