Cherry Lane Church



The Gospel Messenger June 14, 1924 page 384 Vol. 73 No. 24

Snake Spring congregation met in council at the Cherry Lane house May 10. Elders David A. Stayer, J. S. Hershberger, D. T. Detwiler, D. B, Maddock and Ira C. Holsopple were present. The object of the meeting was to complete the work of forming a separate congregation of that part of the Snake Spring congregation bounded on the north by Everett congregation, on the cast by Rays Hill Mt.. on the south by Artemas congregation, on the west by Tussy Mt. Eld. D. B. Maddock was chosen moderator and Ira C. Holsopple, secretary. Appropriate remarks were offered on the value and responsibility of an organized church. The congregation reported the officers and the membership embraced within the territory of the new congregation. Officers were then elected: Elder, Ira C. Holsopple; recording and corresponding secretary, Sister Harvey Sollenberger; trustee for one year, Andrew Garlie; two years, Albert Khlare; three years, Roy Dibert. Cherry Lane church was then considered a fully-organized congregation with privilege to represent at any and all Conferences.—Mrs. Harvey Sollenberger, Everett, Pa., June 4.