Maple Glen Church




The Gospel Messenger Jan. 15, 1889 page 42 Vol. 27 No.3

From the Maple Glen church, Pa., Bro. J. S. Harshberger writes: “Heretofore the church name of our congregation as a branch of the Elk Lick church, in Somerset County, was known as the Peck church of Elk Lick, at Savage, Pa. But since the Elk Lick congregation was recently divvied, we, then, in special council of Dec. 29, ’88, changed said name to that above given, which shall hereafter be a permanent name.  Brethren J. N. Davis and L. A. Peck, who faithfully labor in the good cause of their high calling, are the  ministers of this congregation.  Our little band of co-workers consists of about fifty members.”