Mechanic Grove Church



The Gospel Messenger July 31, 1897 page 492 Vol. 35 No. 31

Mechanic's Grove Church.—The Conestoga congregation met in council April 10, when it was divided into three sections. April 17 the southern section,—a little band of thirty-six members,— met in council and was organized as a church to itself, called, "Mechanic's Grove church.11 A choice was held for a deacon, the lot falling on Bro. John Minnich. Bro. and Sister Minnich were installed the same day. Bro. H. E. Light was elected elder. We have meetings every Sunday, -every four weeks at a place. We have no meetinghouse of our own, but expect to build one as soon as we have money enough. It any one should feel like helping us along, send your donation to the Mechanic's Grove Brethren church. Last Sunday, July 11, the meeting was held at the home of Bro. Minnich.—Mary P. Phillipy, Little Britain, Lancaster County, Pa., July 19.