Mount Zion Road Church

(Fredericksburg, Meyer)



The Gospel Messenger March 29, 1919 page 205 Vol. 68 No. 13

Little Swatara church met in council March 10 at the Frystown house, with Eld. Wenger presiding. Elders John Herr and Samuel Whitmore were also present. Twelve letters were granted and two received. The congregation being so very large, the church decided upon dividing it, for the purpose of doing more efficient work. The eastern part is to be known as the Little Swatara church, and the western part as the Swatara church. The congregation known as the Little Swatara church will meet March 22 at the Frystown house, for the purpose of organizing. The part known as the Swatara church will meet at the Fredericksburg house March 24. We expect the Volunteer Band of Elizabethtown College to give us a program, some time during the spring term. March 9 a series of meetings closed at the Merkey house with Eld. Samuel Whitmer, of Beverly, as evangelist. Six consecrated themselves to the Master's service— Annie B. Wenger, Fredericksburg, Pa., March 14.



The Gospel Messenger May 31, 1919 page 350 Vol. 58 No. 22


District Meeting was well attended, at the Palmyra house April 30. Wednesday afternoon, from 1:30 to 3, we were given a series of sermons on true worship by five speakers. The meeting for organization was opened at 3 o'clock. The Little Swatara congregation was divided into two parts. The new part will be known as the Fredericksburg congregation. The roll of churches showed that all were represented. There are thirty-five congregations in the Eastern District.

   The officers elected were Bro. I. W. Taylor, Moderator; Bro. George Falkenstein, Reading Clerk; Bro. Ralph W. Schlosser, Writing Clerk. The sermon of the evening was preceded by a song service, led by Bro. Robert Nedrow, of New York. . The house was full, with the elders in session in the basement. Eld. J. F. Graybill, our missionary in Sweden for seven years, spoke on "The Mind of Christ," and how we should follow in his footsteps. On Thursday practically the entire day was taken up with the business sessions,—all well attended. One query was sent to Annual Meeting from the Spring Creek congregation.

   A District Sunday-school Convention was held at the Palmyra house May 4, attended by representatives from practically every school in the third District. A special program was given, including a song service, with H. G. Witmeyer, of the borough, in charge. Mrs. Moses Spangler, of Lebanon, gave an interesting address on conservation of the results of "Children's Week" work. Bro. Irwin Hoffer gave an address on the duty of the church and the Sunday-school to the unschooled. In the evening a selection was given by the Palmyra men's chorus. Prof. E. E. StaufFer, of Myerstown, gave a very forcible address on the relation of the church and the Sunday-school to the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment. Both sessions were well attended and proved to be helpful to all interested in Sunday-school work. Elizabeth Blauch. Palmyra, Pa., May 12.


The Gospel Messenger August 23, 1919 page 544 Vol. 68 No. 34

Big Swatara church met in council August 11, with Eld. J. H. Wilmer presiding. The membership was well represented. Elders J. H. Longenecker and E. M. Wenger were with us for the purpose of ordaining and installing Brethren Thomas Patrick and David Etter to the eldership. The Moonshine church and vicinity were given over to the Fredericksburg church, and a committee of four was appointed to help form a reasonable boundary line. Our delegates to the Sunday-school and Missionary Meeting were chosen at this time. Our Harvest Home services will be held on Saturday afternoon, August 23, at the Hanoverdalc house. We have decided to hold our love feast Oct. 3U and 31, at 10 A. M—Ulysses L. Gingrich, Palmyra, Pa., August 12.