Moxham Church



The Gospel Messenger Feb. 2, 1918 page 77 Vol. 67 No. 5

Johnstown (Moxham Church). – Sunday. 13, our pastor, Bro. J. C. Flora, preached on the subject of “Faith the Evidence of Things Not Seen.” Bro. Lori Harshberger was elected elder of the Moxham church for 1918. We have effected a separate organization, but it has not yet been approved by District Meeting. on the dame date five were received by letter. We have recently organized a Mission Study Class of fourteen members and a second year teacher-training Class for eight members. – Mrs. William Parks, 310 Park avenue, Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 16.


The Gospel Messenger Feb. 9, 1918 page 96 Vol. 67 No. 6

Johnstown church met in council Jan. 3, with our elder, Bro. L. B. Harshberger, presiding. He was chosen as our elder for another year. The Moxham church asked to be released from the Johnstown congregation and permission was granted them. They desire to form a congregation of their own, as they already have their own pastor, Bro. J. C. Flora. While we are sorry to lose them we are glad for their growth, which enables them to do this. Jan. 20 our pastor, Bro. M. Clyde Horst, gave us an interesting account of the recent Goshen Conference. – Elizabeth W. Howe, 1025 Bedford St. Johnstown, Pa. Feb.1.