Falfurrias Church



The Gospel Messenger Sept. 15, 1928 page 591 Vol. 77 No. 37


Sunday, July 28, marked the birthday of the Falfurrias Brethren church, Falfurrias, Texas. Some years ago Bro. John Stump of Miami, Texas, had a vision of a Mexican Industrial School under the supervision and direction of the church, where dependent Mexican children could be educated, trained and evangelized. Falfurrias was selected as a location for the school, land and improvements of considerable proportions being donated by Bro. Stump. Several very successful years passed, but on account of the lack of support of the District and general Brotherhood and the death of Bro. Stump, the school was closed in 1926 and the property became assets of the District of Texas and Louisiana.

   A splendid group of about twenty members are located here and for the past nine months have been holding their services at the home of Eld. C. D. Fager. We found a well organized Sunday-school and Y. P. D., and a splendid group of young people. An organization was effected with The following officers duly elected: Elder, C. D. Fager: clerk and treasurer, Pearl Whicher; church correspondent, Sister C. D. Fager. Property for a church building been donated by Bro. Fager and a building fund has been accumulating;  offering one Sunday a month is being set aside for this purpose. The Board of Extension and Supervision of the District is contemplating the purchase of a tent for District evangelistic work and will in probability initiate it in a series of evangelistic meeting at Falfurrias sometime during the early winter months, having the promise of the services of Bro. W. D. Keller of Ohio.  Falfurrias is located at the upper end of the fertile Rio Grande Valley where splendid opportunities await the home builder.  Trucking, fruit growing and dairying are the basic industries and with winters tempered by a tropical sun, summers cooled by a wonderful gulf breeze, the writer is deeply impressed with opportunities for the investor and home seeker and the hopeful outlook for the future of the Falfurrias church.  Roanoke, La.  J. F. Hoke Chairman District Board.