Pleasant Grove



The Gospel Messenger May 28, 1910 page 353 No. 22

Spring. – May 2 Eld. J. A. Miller, of Manvel, Texas, came to us and preached seventeen sermons. Including a number of doctrinal sermons. May 14 the members living in this community met at the home of Bro. T. N. Park, for the purpose of organizing a church.  Elder J. A. Miller and wife and Eld. M. H. Peters, of Manvel, Texas, and others, were with us. Eld. J. A. Miller presided, assisted by M. H. Peters.  Our church will be known as the Pleasant Grove church of the Brethren.  The following officers were elected: Eld. Miller, elder in charge; Bro. C. E. Schuldt, secretary; Bro. T. N. Park, treasurer; Sister Edna Schuldt, correspondent; Bro. Ira Schuldt, missionary solicitor, Brother T. N. Park and C. E. Schuldt were elected and installed as deacons.  The same evening the same thirteen members assembled in the Willow Creek Baptist church, where they partook of their first communion service.  The house was well filled with outsiders. Members traveling over the I and O. N., or the T. and B. V. railroad are invited to stop with us, leaving the train at Huffsmith  or Willow on the I. and G. N., or Tomhall on the T. and B. V.  if they will notify any of the above-named brethren at Spring, Texas, they will be met. – Edna Schuldt, R. D. 1, Box 48a, Spring, Texas, May 18