Pulaski Church Church



The Gospel Messenger July 2, 1921 page 400

Pulaski. – Our members met May 21 for the purpose of organizing into a working body.  Elders Asa Bowman, A. N. Hylton and Willis Vest were present. The organization is as follows: Bro. J. B. Peters of the Germantown congregation elder; Bro. S. D. Bowman of the Bethlehem congregation pastor, June 1 to Sept. 1.  Brethren   C. A. Powell, C. L. Spangler and B. L. Southern were elected and installed as deacons.  Sister C. A. Powell was appointed clerk; Sister C. L. Spangler “Messenger” correspondent. Bro. C. A. Powell was also elected as delegate to Annual Conference. – Mrs. C. L. Spangler, Pulaski, Va., June 13.