Forest Center



The Gospel Messenger Oct. 21, 1916 page 686 Vol. 65 No. 43



Mt Hope church met in council Sept. 30, at the Forest Center tabernacle, with Eld. Amos P. Peters presiding. We decided unanimously to divide the Mt. Hope congregation, making a new organization to the south of us, at Forest Center, to be known as the Forest Center church. After the organization, Bro. W. H. Tigner was installed into the eldership. The members at Forest Center expect to take up plans immediately, to build a new churchhouse this fall.

   We are glad for this new organization. It will bring more into direct touch with the workings of the church. How much we need others to help in our work here! We shall be alone through the fall and winter as our minister, Bro. J. O. Streeter, is going east for several months. So we will especially appreciate any service other ministers may feel to give us. We are not concerned so much about mere numbers, but about consecrated workers. For the lack of more of these we have lost some from among us who could have been kept for Christ. Who will put forth new effort for these, who seem so slow to grasp the fact of a personal Savior?  I think so often if meant “woe unto them that are at case in Zion” in the time of Amos, what of today? Or is it true that those who are living in and for pleasure, yet pretending fellowship with God, are dead? The Christ-life has ever been one of service and our motto must ever be, "For Others." We are hoping that it may be possible to have a series of meetings during either the fall or winter months. Chewelah, Wash., Oct. 2. Pearl Hixson.