Gospel Preacher & Progressive Christian
Obituary Index 
1878 - 1881

A total of obituaries 439

Gospel Preacher 1879 -1882 - 288 notices (GP)

Progressive Christian 1878 - 1882 - 161 notices (PgC)


The Progressive Christian and The Gospel Preacher merged in June 1882 when the Brethren Church spilt off from the

German Baptist Brethren church and the paper became the The Brethren's Evangelist the official newspaper of the Brethren Church


All rights reserved - May not be mass-produced or used in any form for commercial purposes.

If you find any links that are broken or have any questions please e-mail at orwahist@aol.com Dennis Roth

If you need a copy of a obituary please e-mail at the above address.

Please note which newspaper the obituary is from and I will provide them as time permits.

The images of this newspaper is now on line at http://archive.org/details/brethrendigitalarchives


Please first look at the examples, and see how to interpret the lines.


The following are missing issues and were not indexed from the

Progressive Christian Jan. 3, 1879, Dec. 5, 1879, June 5, 1880, June 12, 1880,

Feb. 25, 1881, March 2, 1882, Nov. 22, 1882, Jan. 3, 1883, April 24, 1883,

Gospel Preacher - Sept. 13, 1880, Nov. 15, 1880 all of the year 1881

. If any one knows where to find a copy please let me know.  



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All rights reserved - May not be mass-produced or used in any form for commercial purposes.